Big Things Ahead For You

Equity, Swag, Flexibility, Technology, Community... and Magic

Hi there,

Olivia and I want to thank you for your patience, support, and hugely motivating and inspirational outreach, comments, and emails. As an incredibly small team, we haven’t been able to respond to everyone yet, but please know that we hold your thoughts, wishes, and suggestions as rays of light from a very bright north star that guides and enlightens us ☀️

In the spirit of our mission to make ShadowNurse for you and your RN colleagues we want to remind you about, and elaborate on, some key elements of our recent post “Equity Reveal”. Plus, we’ll touch on some other exciting updates 📰

Remember, you can always access previous ShadowNurse posts using the archive button above, including our latest posts on “Equity Reveal” and “Working From Home” 🩺


Reminder that our exclusive Premium Fireside Chat with Olivia & Jeff is coming up on Monday. You must be a Premium member to join and/or view the video archive. Our prior Fireside Chat is available for Premium subscribers in the archive.

What: Exclusive Premium Fireside Chat with Olivia & Jeff

Topic: ShadowNurse: Funding, Equity & Expectations

When: Monday, July 22nd at Noon Pacific Time

How: look for a zoom link in an upcoming communication. A recording of the chat will be posted online for those who are unable to attend.

Our Commitments to You

Equity: As ShadowNurse’s Founders, Olivia and I are standing by the statement that we, “want to grant you a piece of our company's future”. We really can’t imagine it any other way. Next week we’ll be announcing the start of ShadowNurse’s equity, fundraising, and growth campaign—and we’d love for you to be a part of it. 🏆️

Career: ShadowNurse was born out of the notion that RNs drive healthcare and that healthcare starts at home, with patients and their families. And so we are building a first-of-its-kind career path for you and your colleagues that will change the face of nursing and healthcare forever. And the best part is that it will allow you to work at the top of your game, from home, when and how you want. 😃

Technology: We are almost there. The small but mighty team of ShadowNurse software engineers has been working tirelessly to build the first version of the ShadowNurse RN mobile application, which we are aiming to launch to the first cohort of nurses in just a matter of weeks. The first phase will include claiming and updating your profile. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements. ✔️

Community: With the profound level of interest we’ve witnessed since starting to spread the word, we’ve realized that ShadowNurse represents more than just another job—it’s become a movement. You and your fellow RNs are speaking up and championing change—for you, for the profession, and for the good of patients everywhere. Now we want to support this community and see what we are capable of accomplishing together. Patients and the healthcare system need you, and together we will make a tremendous and lasting impact. Look for more ways to engage with your colleagues coming soon. And for now you can start by posting your thoughts to the community in the comments section of each post. Click below to leave a comment now. 🔈️

Swag: That’s right… we want you to have cool ShadowNurse gear 😀. I’m talking, mugs, water bottles, hats, sweatshirts, tech-gear and other sweet stuff. In the coming weeks, you’ll be able to collect high quality logo swag through our easy to use RN and Patient referral process as well as other programs. You’ll also be able to simply purchase gear from our special RN store (Premium members will get discounted prices 😉). Healthcare never looked so good and all efforts/purchases help ShadowNurse grow. ⚕️

Hey… What if we had a magic wand?

If we could wave a magic wand, what would you like to get from ShadowNurse (besides the best job ever)?

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Acronym Corner: Technology & Social Media

  1. API - Application Programming Interface

    • APIs allow different software applications to communicate with each other. They are essential in connecting various systems and enabling data sharing across platforms.

  2. MVP - Minimum Viable Product

    • An MVP is a basic version of a product with just enough features to be functional and testable, allowing developers to gather feedback and iterate improvements quickly.

  3. HTML - HyperText Markup Language

    • HTML is the standard language used to create and design web pages. It structures content on the web and is fundamental to web development.

  4. CMS - Content Management System

    • A CMS is software that helps users create, manage, and modify digital content. WordPress and Joomla are popular examples.

  5. IoT - Internet of Things

    • IoT refers to the network of physical objects embedded with sensors and software to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the internet.

  6. UI/UX - User Interface/User Experience

    • UI/UX design focuses on the look, feel, and usability of a product, ensuring that it is user-friendly and provides a positive experience.

  7. VR/AR - Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality

    • VR creates a fully immersive digital environment, while AR overlays digital information on the real world. Both are used in gaming, education, and various industries.

  8. PPC - Pay-Per-Click

    • PPC is an online advertising model where advertisers pay each time a user clicks on their ad. It's commonly used in search engine and social media advertising.

  9. CRM - Customer Relationship Management

    • CRM systems help businesses manage interactions with current and potential customers, streamlining processes and improving customer satisfaction.

  10. KPI - Key Performance Indicator

    • KPIs are measurable values that indicate how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives. They are used to track performance and success.

NFT - Non-Fungible Token

  • NFTs are unique digital assets that represent ownership of a specific item or piece of content, typically stored on a blockchain. They are widely used in digital art, collectibles, and media.

Premium Experience Content:

  1. Pearls of Wisdom: Artificial Intelligence

  2. Premium Fun Facts: Most Common Questions about Silicon Valley Startups

    (details below)

Subscribe to The Premium Experience to read the rest.

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Exclusive Educational Content: Premium entry to advanced training and specialized webinars that deepen professional knowledge and skills
Networking Events: You’ll meet and engage with industry leaders and peers at exclusive events, promoting professional growth and networking
Deep dive into hot topics like healthcare policy, burn-out/work-life balance, research, nursing culture, stakeholders, healthcare economics and market forces, health equity, aging-population care, social determinants of health, and leadership
Improved User Experience: Continuous enhancements to the platform's functionality and user interface, ensuring a seamless and premium experience


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