Equity Reveal

I want to grant you a piece of our company's future

Dear Nurses,

As the CEO of ShadowNurse and one of you, I am deeply moved by the strength and dedication that define our profession. We understand the value we bring, the lives we save, and the families we comfort in ways that few others can truly grasp. We are the glue that holds the system together, and we all know that in our guts. Our experiences and insights set us apart, and it's time we leverage that unique power to build something extraordinary—together.

Here’s where we’re at today

Over the past months, I’ve pitched ShadowNurse to over 40 investors, hoping to secure the funding needed to realize our vision. Unfortunately, many have strung me along, waiting for us to start making money before committing. These investors are not nurses. They don't inherently understand what we do. They haven't felt the pain, the burnout, the stress, or the sadness that comes with our shifts or seen the impact that we provide out of the spotlight. They don't grasp the profound impact we have on patients' lives and the healthcare system.

This realization led me to an epiphany: why not turn to the very people who truly understand our mission and value? Why not empower the nurses who live and breathe this profession every day?

But before I continue, can I get real for just a second?

For months and months, Jeff and I have followed this passion—working around the clock, taking risks, spending all of our savings, fighting through the “no’s”, the obstacles, and the pessimism we’ve encountered, and figuring out how to do things we never imagined we would—all to build ShadowNurse and try to give you and nurses everywhere a promising alternative to what the world considers to be the ‘nursing’ profession.

And can I say that the thing that’s kept us going the most are your amazing stories and encouragement. We know we owe each of you a long and heartfelt reply and showing of our gratitude. We love you and your amazing passion, grit, and energy 🌟 #blessed #unbelievable #community #letsgo

And while Jeff and I have done all this without any compensation, we are needing to amass a core team of employees—and that’s why we’re seeking funding… to grow this team, keep building ShadowNurse, and launch a job experience for you that will change the nursing profession forever 🌼

So, just thinking out loud

You see, the traditional route of venture capital for a start-up like ours often means handing over control to those who may not share our vision or understand our mission—the men in suits (and I know how you all feel about the C-suite!). But what if we could fund ShadowNurse ourselves? Enough to get this technology off the ground, and get each of you the job of your dreams? What if we could ensure that the people who truly understand our value—the nurses—you—own a part of this revolutionary company? For me, that just feels right.

The exponential power of nurses—together we are unstoppable

How do we do this? Exponential growth—power in numbers. Imagine the magnitude of our collective impact if we all leveraged our nursing networks. This is where the synergy of referrals and giving comes into play—even in the smallest amounts.

Remember: The ShadowNurse platform is being designed to accommodate all eligible nurses. That means you don’t have to worry about bringing fellow RN’s along this journey with you. As they say, “a rising tide lifts all boats” and that is certainly the spirit we aim to foster.

Stick with me for a second and let's run through the concept of exponential functions and how it applies to growth and our immediate future. An exponential function describes a process where the rate of growth is proportional to the current value, leading to rapid increases over time. So the rate of growth gets bigger as the size of the base gets bigger. A classic example is compound interest, where interest is earned on both the initial principal and the accumulated interest from previous periods. Basically, the faster exponential things grow, the faster they grow 📈 

So, if we look at ShadowNurse, referrals (along with giving) could lead to incredible growth. Consider this:

You refer 5 RNs to our community 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 

Those 5 nurses each refer 5 more, resulting in 25 new members 🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑

If this pattern continues, the growth becomes exponential: 5, 25, 125, 625, and so on 🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑

Combine this with a giving campaign and we could all really take off 🚀 

So, here’s the plan

I’m convinced that together, we can achieve something incredible. We can build a company by nurses, for nurses, and ensure that the power stays with those who understand the value we bring every day.

In very short order we will be launching an official campaign and you will be receiving more and more content here, starting pretty rapidly. But I wanted to get this in front of you as soon as possible to share where my head is at and give you a chance to reflect.

To be very clear, however we accomplish it (and I know there’s a lot of considerations) our aim is to grant a future piece of ShadowNurse to each and every eligible nurse who contributes through referrals and donations (more to come on this)

🚨 Premium Spoiler: We’re making plans for Premium members to gain additional special benefits throughout the campaign, especially regarding future ownership scenarios. So, now is a good time to lock in Premium if you haven’t already 🏆️ 

- Jeff

Are you feeling this?

Join us in this journey. Stay tuned and watch as we create a new future for nursing, powered by nurses. When the time comes, your contribution and ambassadorship, no matter how small, has the potential to spark a movement.

And this way of funding a start-up, has truly never been done before. We would be demonstrating not only our power to come together, but re-branding the profession to one that values technology, remote work, dare I say quality of life, and even a new healthcare system.

Let's harness the exponential power of our networks and show the world what nurses can achieve when we come together.

Yours always, with much anticipation and gratitude,

Olivia Svrchek
CEO, ShadowNurse

As always, you can access previous posts using the archive button below, including our latest posts on “Health literacy” and “The Practice of Medicine” 🩺 

Additionally, as we get closer to the launch of our app and marketplace—if you haven’t done so already—please consider joining us in The Premium Experience. Premium content is always included at the end of all our communications/posts and Basic subscribers can upgrade to The Premium Experience at any time using the button below 🌟 

Premium members: Remember the upcoming exclusive Premium Fireside Chat with Olivia & Jeff on Monday, July 22nd at Noon Pacific Time 🔥

Topic is “ShadowNurse: Funding, Equity & Expectations”

Premium Experience Content:

  1. Send us your questions for the upcoming Fireside Chat with Olivia & Jeff 🙂 

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