Lost Information

Are medical visits DOA? ShadowNurse has a plan

Hi there,

In this installment of The Experience we are focusing on the modern medical visit’s key failure point and describing how, with your training as a ShadowNurse, and by leveraging the power of Interstitial HealthcareTM , you can completely remedy this problem.

Remember, you can always access previous posts using the archive button below, including our latest post introducing the concept of Interstitial HealthcareTM  🩺 

As a further reminder, premium content will be included at the end of all our communications/posts and Basics subscribers can upgrade to The Premium Experience at any time. In this issue, don’t miss our Premium breakdown of Dr. Roy Kessels’ article, “Patients' memory for medical information”, and be on the lookout for your exclusive invitation to Olivia’s upcoming fireside chat on Monday June 10th 🔥

ShadowQuiz 🎓️ 
Let’s start with a knowledge test (for fun 🙃)

The exchange of medical information between a patient and provider is critical to successful condition management. With that in mind, when a patient leaves their medical visit, up to how much information is lost/forgotten?

(make a single choice)

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How ShadowNurse leverages Interstitial HealthcareTM to resurrect medical visits and capture 100% of medical information

Let’s start with the basics…

As a registered nurse, you witness firsthand the challenges patients face in recalling and accurately understanding medical information. A not-so-recent but heavily cited article by Dr. Roy Kessels, underscores the gravity of this issue: patients struggle to remember as little as 20% of the information provided to them during medical visits, often recalling critical details incorrectly. This gap in memory can lead to misunderstandings, poor adherence to treatment plans, and ultimately, compromised patient outcomes.

Summary of Findings

Dr. Kessels’ analysis of patients' memory for medical information highlights several factors contributing to patients’ inability to remember medical information, including:

  1. Information Overload: Patients are often bombarded with too much information in a short time.

  2. Medical Jargon: Complex medical terminology can confuse patients.

  3. Emotional Distress: Anxiety and stress during medical visits can impair memory.

  4. Lack of Engagement: Passive listening without active engagement leads to poor retention.

These findings indicate a critical need for enhanced communication strategies and support systems to ensure patients can remember and correctly interpret medical advice. ShadowNurse is poised to bridge the information gap with our innovative Interstitial Healthcare™ approach.

Bridging the Information Gap in Healthcare: How ShadowNurse Addresses Information Retention and Enhances Patient Memory

ShadowNurse’s Interstitial Healthcare™ approach incorporates several strategies to mitigate the challenges of medical communication and information transfer, ensuring that patients retain and correctly recall medical information. Here are three key strategies:

  1. Health Literacy Assessments

    • In order for ShadowNurses to provide real-time advocacy for patients, we conduct health literacy assessments on all new patients to help gauge their understanding of medical terminology and concepts. This allows for real-time adjustments in communication style and content, ensuring that information is presented in an accessible and understandable manner.

    • And by identifying gaps in a patient’s health literacy, ShadowNurses can leverage additional support opportunities by providing tailored educational resources and emotional support, fostering a more informed and confident patient.

  2. Pre-Visit Prep Calls

    • An essential element of ShadowNursing is building rapport and trust with your patients. Before each medical visit, ShadowNurses engage with patients through brief prep calls or text exchanges. These interactions serve to build empowerment, reduce anxiety, and prepare patients for what to expect during their upcoming medical visit.

    • Additionally these calls allow for goal setting to help ensure patients enter into the medical visit with purpose. Beyond goal setting, we help patients enumerate and formulate any and all questions they might have for their providers, ensuring they are actively engaged and prepared to absorb information.

  3. Post-Visit Debrief Calls

    • Following each medical visit, ShadowNurses re-align with patients generating information clarification and treatment plan reinforcement. This follow up with patients to review the key elements of the visit helps solidify their understanding and memory.

    • Furthermore, ShadowNurse makes it easy to involve other stakeholders, as these debrief calls can (and often should) include caregivers, family members, and physicians, creating a comprehensive support network that reinforces the patient’s recall and understanding of medical advice, their current condition, and the direction and goals of treatment.

These strategies make the actual medical visit more effective by ensuring patients are well-prepared beforehand and supported afterward. This comprehensive approach leads to better health outcomes and a more efficient healthcare system.

Premium Experience Content:

  1. What patients ‘do remember’ will shock you…

  2. Learn about a 4th information strategy you’ll be able to use as a ShadowNurse

  3. Date & Time released for the Fireside Chat with Olivia

(details below)

Subscribe to The Premium Experience to read the rest.

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