ShadowNurse Alpha Demo Review

A select RN group will help shape the future of ShadowNurse

Hi There!

We hit a big milestone today in our effort to launch the ShadowNurse mobile app—putting the finishing touches on our designs for what will hopefully be your ShadowNurse profile page. And as promised by our mission to benefit you and your nursing colleagues, we’ve turned to the RN community for guidance and feedback. 👍️

This morning we sent a demo video and images of our alpha mobile app version to over 50 Premium members and existing ShadowNurses who will review and weigh in on the designs, features, and functionality of the mobile app. The feedback they are providing will benefit you directly and so we send a giant “Thank You” to those RN’s here who stepped up and volunteered there time 🙏

We’ll have more opportunities to provide feedback like this in the near future if you are interested. To become a demo tester you must be part of our Premium Experience, which gains you behind the scene access and influence. If you have not yet joined Premium you may do so at any time.

What’s Ahead For You:

As we get closer to our nation-wide launch, here’s a look at what we have coming up for you on our roadmap.

  1. Personal ShadowNurse Candidate “To Do” List for you

  2. ”Becoming a ShadowNurse” — Course & Training Materials

  3. Updates on meeting Bradley Cooper (see our recent post here)

  4. ”Featuring You” — a new series of inspirational stories from our community

  5. The ShadowNurse RN Swag Store (plus discounts Premium )

  6. Fireside Chats with Olivia & Jeff Premium

  7. More demo testing and focus groups Premium

Remember, you can always access archived posts so that you don’t fall behind📜🤓💡 (may require login with your email)

Premium Members: Read on to be one of the first Featuring You headliners ⭐️ 

Subscribe to The Premium Experience to read the rest.

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A subscription gets you:
Be First: You’ll be notified of job openings and new platform features first, giving you a significant advantage in maximizing your career path
Exclusive Educational Content: Premium entry to advanced training and specialized webinars that deepen professional knowledge and skills
Networking Events: You’ll meet and engage with industry leaders and peers at exclusive events, promoting professional growth and networking
Deep dive into hot topics like healthcare policy, burn-out/work-life balance, research, nursing culture, stakeholders, healthcare economics and market forces, health equity, aging-population care, social determinants of health, and leadership
Improved User Experience: Continuous enhancements to the platform's functionality and user interface, ensuring a seamless and premium experience


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